The Role Of Transformational Leadership And Work-Life Balance On The Performance Of Employees At PKU Muhammadiyah Sampangan Surakarta Hospital

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Ifah Lathifah
Ahmad Farras Abibuddin


This research aims to test the influence of transformational leadership and work-life balance on performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable among employees at PKU Muhammadiyah Sampangan Surakarta Hospital. This research uses a survey method. The data used are primary data  collected from 78 employees of PKU Muhammadiyah Sampangan Surakarta Hospital. The data analysis method was tested using validity test, reliability test, linearity test, path analysis, partial test (t-test), simultaneous test (F-test), coefficient of determination (R2), direct, indirect, and total effect test, and correlation test. Thare research have shown that transformational leadership and work-life balance has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Transformational leadership and work-life balance has a significant positive effect on performance. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on performance. The  total  R2   value  of  0,5239 means  that  performance  is explained by transformational leadership, work-life balance, and job satisfaction by 52,39%, and the remaining 47,61% is explained by other variables outside the research model. The use of job satisfaction as an intervening variable is effective in mediating transformational leadership and work-life balance on performance.

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How to Cite
Ifah Lathifah, & Ahmad Farras Abibuddin. (2024). The Role Of Transformational Leadership And Work-Life Balance On The Performance Of Employees At PKU Muhammadiyah Sampangan Surakarta Hospital. Praxis: Journal of Business Intelligence and Economic Sustainability, 1(1), 1-10.

How to Cite

Ifah Lathifah, & Ahmad Farras Abibuddin. (2024). The Role Of Transformational Leadership And Work-Life Balance On The Performance Of Employees At PKU Muhammadiyah Sampangan Surakarta Hospital. Praxis: Journal of Business Intelligence and Economic Sustainability, 1(1), 1-10.


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